Monday, June 30, 2014

How to Create Content with Subject Matter Experts

via Online it ALL Matters

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

by: Ahava Liebtag

After graduate school, I worked for the Federal government, writing and editing digital content. I'll never forget the first time I had to interview a pipeline engineer about what American citizens needed to know if a pipeline was going to be built on their property.

I was so nervous to ask any stupid questions, I forgot to ask the questions I'd prepared!

Luckily, the engineer was a nice guy and very understanding. But I learned an important lesson: when working with subject matter experts, it's not the writer's job to know everything.  It's the writer's job to know what to ask.

Subject matter experts (SMEs) hold the keys to the valuable content kingdom. They possess the building blocks of information you need to create juicy content that provides your customers with textured, relevant information.

It can be demanding to work with SMEs. So often, they think they know more about the web then you do. And they also may demand that you write in a certain style. How can you make it easier to work with SMEs and create content that converts your users into customers?

5 Tips for Writing Content with SMEs

1.   Explain that content is a conversation: SMEs are typically not writers and marketers. They don’t understand that content is a conversation between the brand/organization and your target audiences. When you frame content as a conversation, SMEs will help you craft and edit knockout content for customers.  Watch this video to learn more about content as a conversation.

2.   Be prepared: When working with SMEs, you will have more success if you are prepared for the interview. Familiarize yourself with their subject matter, as well as their professional profiles. Use Google or LinkedIn to prepare.  You will have a smoother conversation—and the SME will appreciate that you took the time to prepare.

3.   Explain your goals at the outset: If you’re creating content with SMEs, chances are you have strategic goals you need to reach. Articulate those goals to the SME and share how creating this content will help you reach them.

4.   Send an outline before you write: Everyone likes to be included in the process. Take the time to draft an outline before you begin writing, to organize your thoughts. More importantly, it prepares the SME for the first draft of content.

5.   Set limits on the editing process: When you send the draft copy for review, make it clear that you are only asking for a “factual” review. If you are writing digital content, there are certain technical limitations on edits because of SEO and web writing best practices. On every copy deck Aha Media sends, we explain the editing process with big red letters across the top, “PLEASE READ THIS PAGE BEFORE EDITING.” It helps to keep the editing process smoother.

Make Friends with the Expert

Working well with SMEs takes practice and confidence in the subject matter. Establish a rapport and connection before you jump into the interview. You will create an environment of sharing and exchange, which will result in a fabulous conversation that you can turn into content that converts.

Need help writing content with your subject matter experts? It's our expertise at Aha Media.  Email Ahava today.

3 Strategies to Stand Out From the Content Creation Crowd

via Content Marketing Institute
By JAMES SCHERER published JUNE 24, 2014

3 Strategies to Stand Out From the Content Creation Crowd

regular lightbulbs with one different oneI wish I could say that standing out from thecontent creation crowd is something that I excel at, but I can’t.
I like to think I write intelligently, quickly, and well, but all that does is make me a pretty good content marketer. It doesn’t make me a content marketer who stands out from the crowd.
So perhaps I need a special something. Perhaps we all do.
Your competitors are creating content. They’re competing with you for the top of the search results and they’re doing it at an ever-increasing rate.
It’s no longer enough to simply write content. Everybody’s doing that. Your local spa is blogging. Fashionistas, coffee shops, photographers, law firms, warehouses, outdoor stores, salons, and haberdasheries (okay, I’m not 100 percent sure about that last one, but you get the point) are all leveraging content creation to market their products and services.
What’s the question your business answers? Type it into Google. Is your website or content at the top? If not, then this article might be worth a read.
Let me give you an analogy:
Let’s pretend you are in a fast-flowing river with about 100 other people, standing in waders up to the thigh with white water pushing against you, trying to knock you over.
A rescue helicopter comes over the ridge, with room for four or five people in its cabin.
What do you do?
Now, you could wave your arms and scream until you’re hoarse. The problem with this tactic is that about 90 of your fellow rescuees are doing the same thing. With their screaming and the roaring of the rapids, the helicopter wouldn’t be able to hear a thing you’re saying.
Or, you could find a nearby rock with its tip just above the water. You could climb on top and get a bit closer to the helicopter, standing out from the crowd by finding a place that seems a bit less dangerous (finding your “content” niche). This would be a good call.
But there are a dozen other people who have managed to climb onto your rock as well. You’re pushing and shoving as there’s not quite enough room, and the helicopter is getting closer. It’s sweeping over the frothing water, coming fast and low.
What else you can do to get its attention? The helicopter only fits four or five people and there’s a dozen of you on this wet and slippery rock.
Here’s what I suggestRaise a flag. Start singing. Start stomping your feet and clapping your hands. Take your shirt off. Take your pants off. Throw a shoe. Throw your pants.
You need to get off that rock, and sometimes that takes extreme measures.
This article will give you three strategies (and 25-odd specific ideas) on how to stand out, be memorable, and generate a personal brand that people remember.
Before I dive in, I want to warn you that the suggestions I give below are just that: suggestions. Many of them have never been tried before (that’s the whole point). If you like an idea, test it out for a month or two and measure your results. (However, if you get fired for going too far with one of my suggestions, I’m not accepting liability.)

1. Find your “thing”

In person, it’s far easier to have a memorable personal characteristic that people will take away from meeting you. Do you have pink hair or a face tattoo? Do you have a ridiculous laugh or do you sweat profusely when you get nervous?
Online is harder. You need to find the pink hair within your online persona (I’d try to avoid the sweating profusely, if you can). You need to translate your ability to charm people in public into an ability to charm people with your content.
Here are a few suggestions on finding your thing:
  • Go current and relevant: Start a weekly write-up of sector news or relevant posts.
  • An actual persona: Create a character and write whole articles as that person. Or, create a memorable mascot and have it feature consistently in your content.
  • POV: Feature an odd point of view (for instance, you could try to write as the Google algorithm rather than just about it).
  • Go super visual: Use images, graphs, screenshots. Make your content visual on a whole new level.
  • Find the niche within your niche. Let’s say you’re a Facebook marketer, and within that niche you’re also a Facebook advertising expert. But how about becoming a Facebook targeting expert? Nobody knows Facebook targeting like you. You’ve done it all, seen it all, and are on the very cusp of every development and update. You’re the guy or gal when it comes to Facebook targeting, and everybody knows it. Use this distinction to propel your content above that of your competitors. 
Finding your thing is up to you. Get creative. Are there real-world characteristics about you that could work with an online persona? Brainstorm with your friends and family, colleagues, anybody who knows you. What do they think is your primary characteristic? What stuck in their head the first time they met you?

2. Write differently

Most everybody can write content. It mostly just requires a couple hands and a basic understanding of language. Theoretically content marketing also requires a bit of knowledge about your subject, but that can be faked pretty effectively. Nope, it’s mostly about two hands (hell, even one works) and the ability to string words together and finish off with a period.
However, not everyone can write differently. Not everyone can write content that is memorable a week or a month down the line. It’s the people who can, however, who are encouraging brand recall, social sharing, and commenting and are, thus, boosting their readership.
I’m not saying that each article you write needs to be a diamond ring, carefully polished, honed, and perfectly positioned in its setting. Spending three days on a single article is not good for your content marketing ROI, and it’s likely your boss (even if that boss is you) won’t appreciate it either.
Instead, what I’m saying is to focus on writing differently:
  • Write controversially: When Matt Cutts said guest blogging for SEO is dead, I took the opposite point of view. When Veritasium released a YouTube video stating that “advertising your page on Facebook is a waste of money,” I responded quickly and emphatically that they were working with incomplete information and that their conclusions were hasty at best (and downright dangerous at worst).
  • Write in color: I don’t actually mean greens and blues and reds (thought that’s not exactly a bad idea either). I mean write with flavor. Cuss. Write a poem. Write an entire article in iambic pentameter. Or, more realistically, write in a fun or anecdotal, sarcastic, or satirical way. Write with skill and talent and engage your reader in more than just subject matter.
  • Write something new: Theories and hypotheses go viral (so long as they’re seriously backed up and make sense). They create controversy themselves and increase your reputation as a thought leader.
  • Write something old in a new light: Take something that people see as understood or take for granted. Turn that thing on its head. Go against the status quo and write an article about using email marketing for lead generation (prompting your existing clients to tell a friend) or using phone calls for webinar sign-ups.
  • Write honestly: Empathy goes a long way. Talk about the struggles you’ve had in the past, and how you overcame them. Play around with talking about your current marketing efforts. Be honest about failed A/B tests, failed marketing campaigns or advertisements. Talk real numbers and show actual shots of your analytics. 
Something else to keep in mind is that not all writers are created equal. I have a degree in English, read constantly, write constantly simply for fun, and was employed as a copy editor before jumping head-first into the world of content creation. If that’s not you, don’t worry about it, but do put some time into mastering your craft as best as you can.
People who blog for business may want to start with a short creative writing or English literature course at a local community college. Focus on persuasive essay writing or short stories (the two combined plus statistics equal 90 percent of blog content). Also consider taking a typing course. I type about 110 words per minute and, I can tell you, it makes my job a whole lot easier.

3. Create differently

Content marketing isn’t just about writing, it’s about consistent content creation: case studies, white papers, presentations, infographics, videos, podcasts, webinars, eBooks… the list goes on.
Creating one of these that stands out from the fast-flowing river is what’s hard.
How do you make a webinar that doesn’t send people to sleep?
  • Host it over coffee with your guest, and (if you know your subject matter), don’t script it at all. Don’t even edit it. This creates an honest interaction with your viewer.
  • Answer questions live and prompt people to ask whatever they want.
  • Keep doing it even if the first 15 times suck. Webinars take more time to catch on than other pieces of content but provide a high ROI and the greatest influence on your reputation if they do. 
How do you make a podcast that people will actually want to listen to?
  • Have a running theme of podcast Fridays where you also provide a recipe for your favorite mixed drink.
  • Create a persona you argue against. For example, if you’re a fan of Facebook Ads, create a persona (or bring in a friend) who champions AdWords.
  • Bring in a teenage kid to talk about social media and how they relate to it. Make it a bi-weekly or monthly conversation. 
How do you make an infographic without a full-time graphic designer and an original report? 
  • Use Google Presentations or Canva and free photo-editing software like GIMP.
  • “Borrow” ideas from your competitors, but put your own flavor on them.
  • Compile stats from case studies, reports, and other infographics. Copy graphs into your own colors (and remember to source!).
  • Create a SlideShare presentation instead (with PowerPoint if you absolutely must, though Google’s presentation tool is better). 
How do you make a YouTube video that gets more than 41 hits?
  • Choose a topic that hasn’t been done a thousand times. Consider the content ideas I’ve given above (controversial, opposing views, characters, etc).
  • Put time and energy into it. Spend time on the script and speak with more excitement and slower than you think you should.
  • Buy or make a green-screen (they’re crazy cheap).
  • Include transitions and edit the intro and outro (Premier Pro should come with your Adobe subscription).
  • Fashion a prompter so you’re not umming and ahhing constantly. 


This has effectively exhausted my creativity for the day. I hope you can take one of these suggestions and work with it. I hope one of them inspires you to use your own creativity and find your own stomping, clapping, pants-off combination that helps your helicopter seek you out amongst the crowd.
Taking a page from my own book, I’m going to be entirely honest with you, reader. I am still looking for my own “thing” that makes me as a content creator memorable. Excellent writing will only take you so far. I need Stelzner’s casual ability to podcast like a boss, Mari’s omnipresent sunny disposition, Godin’s content prolificacy (and baldness), Kawasaki’s inexplicable ability to make mediocre content go viral and Pulizzi’s… I dunno, vision for starting this whole content marketing shindig in the first place?
I’m open to suggestions — let me hear them in the comments below.
Looking for more inspiration on content creation that helps you stand apart from your competitors? Read CMI’s Content Marketing Playbook: 24 Epic Ideas for Connecting with Your Customers. 

4 Steps to Take Video Content Beyond Ads

via Content Marketing Institute

By ANDREAS PANAYI published JUNE 25, 2014

4 Steps to Take Video Content Beyond Ads

alarm clock-wake up callGo ahead. Do your own research and see if you can find meaningful insights and data on measuring, benchmarking, tracking, and optimizing online video content. No doubt, you’ll end up as frustrated as I was. And you’ll find that most of the information out there is focused specifically on online videoadvertising.
I am still hopeful that one of these days marketers will wake up to the fact that online video content is not just about advertising. The real evolution is the huge shift to video for almost every other form of content and communication: employee communications, product videos, how-to tips, customer reviews, brand stories… you get the point.
There is an interesting prediction that two-thirds of the world’s data will be video by 2017. I think that stat warrants repeating: Two-thirds of the information we consume — research, news, entertainment, you name it — will be in video form. Even if this forecast ends up being only partially accurate, are brands remotely prepared to measure, track, benchmark, and optimize engagement for these types of video content? 

You don’t have time to hit snooze

Here are just a few alarms that should be shaking content marketers from their sleepy approach to video content strategy:
  • Ninety-six percent of U.S. adults who have watched a video on their computers, tablets, or mobile phones at least once over the past 6 months find video helpful when making purchase decisions, according to a recent survey by Animoto. And 73 percent say they are more likely to make a purchase after watching an online video that explains the product or service. 
  • Another recent study by Invodo found that half of consumers claimed YouTube videos influenced their purchase decisions. Some 57 percent of online shoppers said they are less likely to return a product bought after watching it explained via video. 
In light of this, it’s important to keep online video advertising in perspective, and remember that ads are merely a subset of a bigger shift to using video content to better engage with consumers.

Some marketers are starting to stir

As marketers and communicators, it’s time we spend our energy, resources, and funds to better understand, measure and capitalize on this bigger shift to online video content. We’re already seeing some signs of this:
For example, two-thirds of marketing and sales professionals will increase their video spending as a means to increase brand awareness (47 percent), lead generation (40 percent), or online engagement (40 percent), per a new report from Ascend2. Interestingly, they consider video email their most effective distribution channel, followed closely by video platforms such as YouTube and company or brand websites.
These are promising numbers, but when I look at the magnitude of the opportunity and the avalanche of video content that will transform the web from a text to a visual network, I find myself frustrated with how far behind marketers fall every day. The only way to capitalize on the opportunity is for marketers to take ownership and embrace an enterprise video content strategy today — one that includes strategic measurement, testing, benchmarking, and optimization, just like every other aspect of their marketing and communications programs.

Why the slow start?

There’s no contesting that video content is quickly becoming the new order on the web. But just like any monumental shift, there are hurdles that we ignore or approach reluctantly when it comes to optimizing video content, such as:
  • Content ownership: Naturally, the consumer marketing professionals own online video advertising. The rest of the video content can fall under the purview of a wide range of verticals, including PR, product development, corporate communications, internal communications, investor relations, executive offices… the list goes on. Without centralized ownership, there’s no standard for measurement and optimization — and often no clear understanding of what needle to try to move and when. 
  • Measurement: Current advertising measurement is relatively generic and, although standards are evolving, gross rating points, clicks, and views are still acceptable success metrics. But, measuring longer-form video content (1–5 minutes) is a bit more complex, and there is no standard for creating a relationship between variables that will help quantify content engagement and success. 
  • Content production: I am oversimplifying this to make a point, but in a traditional advertising structure, all I need to do is call my creative agency and ask them to produce a couple of great commercials a year that work both online and on TV. Fast forward to a new world where fresh cross-department video content needs to be created and distributed according to a strategic editorial calendar. That requires a publisher mentality and the involvement of many teams working together — not just marketing departments. With this comes a multitude of process and production challenges, including determining what part of the organization will be responsible for paying for the necessary shifts in resources. 
  • Distribution: Advertising — whether on TV or online — offers plenty of evolved processes, and there are plenty of companies whose raison d’etre is to target the right video ad content to the right people at the right time. Meanwhile, the rest of the video content distribution typically relies on the marketers and their video strategy in creating an integrated distribution platform. They must effectively and efficiently tie together all of the company’s content access gateways without forgetting about mobile platforms that are leading the way in video consumption.

How we can avoid the video graveyard

We need to look beyond online video advertising and embrace the video content revolution as something much bigger and broader. Unless we focus on how we measure, benchmark, and track all video engagement, our expensive video content will end up in what I call “video graveyards” (i.e., most of the branded channels on YouTube).
At a relatively high level, here are four steps I would suggest to get content marketing on the right path:
1. Define your overall video content strategy, including metrics and benchmarks:Not unlike other marketing tactics, the makeup of your video content and distribution structure should be driven by business goals and the profile of your target audience. Establish measurement metrics and create benchmarks, before tracking, reporting, and optimizing. 
I believe that measuring your videos’ engagement levels must be at the core of your KPIs. I wish I could tell you that it’s as easy as looking at the number of views or “likes” from your YouTube analytics dashboard, but it is a bit more complex than that. Video engagement is not a single event but rather a relationship between multiple weighted attributes in three key factors: exposure, action, and social amplification. So, when you look at setting up your video engagement KPIs, you need to look at tracking attributes — such as channel subscribers, percent of videos viewed to completion, socially embedded vs. on-channel views, etc.
2. Think and act differently: Try structuring your marketing team like a content publisher. To be a bit more specific, typically marketing departments produce content that speaks to the interests of the company (i.e., it focuses on the company’s products and services). By injecting publisher-centric resources and methods, you can start creating and delivering content with a better balance between your brand’s needs and those of your consumers. 
A publisher mentality will help not only with the way your content is created but also with how it gets organized, targeted, created, vetted for relevancy, delivered, and archived. The easiest example I can think of is incorporating an editorial calendar into your content processes to help you plan out the creation of thoughtful, timely, and relevant content. Taking a page from a publisher’s playbook can help marketers figure out what parts of their company’s content plan would work best in a video format, as well as how to integrate their internal content resources to reflect the needs of the enterprise at-large — not just certain department silos.
3. Be creative with your resource usage: Find the right balance between developing content internally and using third-party production resources. Keeping both your brand’s business objectives and your consumers’ needs top-of-mind will also help you strike that balance: Third-party content sources can often help validate the authenticity of a brand’s messages and provide added value without the bias of internally generated content. Third-party content can also help address the need to sustain a healthy stream of new content, while keeping internal costs in check and realizing quicker turnarounds.
4. Mind your company’s technological infrastructure: Make sure the technology and development resources of your company are factored into your strategy development. Otherwise, you may build a great content-producing machine with no functioning mechanism for proper distribution — which means your content will, ultimately, go nowhere. How many of us have created great content that never really reached its ROI potential? I am sure we are all familiar with “the moment is gone” scenario — situations where the time between coming up with the idea and being able to deploy it became too long. Having the right technology in place to keep the process moving forward can help alleviate the potential for your video content to fall into the graveyard of great ideas that died on the vine.
None of the above is a walk in the park, but they are steps all marketers need to start taking. Start with measuring what you’ve done to date, and then create benchmarks and quantitative goals for where you want to go. As for that part — the vision — the best advice I have is to look beyond the obvious.
For more great ideas, insights, and examples for advancing your content marketing, read Epic Content Marketing, by Joe Pulizzi. 

6 Steps to a Data-Driven Content Marketing Strategy

via Content Marketing Institute
By TED KARCZEWSKI published JUNE 30, 2014
building top drawing-rise above big dataWhen a shopper walked into my grandpa’s store in Cranford, New Jersey, in 1955, he received a firm handshake and personal service. Grandpa Ted would walk his customers around the store, learning about their lives and needs through conversation. These details would inspire how he approached other customers as well as those who returned again for new products.
Despite the fact that my grandpa was a smart marketer and a savvy businessman, he’d likely freak out at the idea of trying to build relationships with customers he’d never seen before in person. But this is exactly the type of challenge digital marketers are faced with today: learning to become more human in the way we greet potential customers, learning how to start genuine conversations, and learning how to create an ongoing rapport with people once they discover our businesses online.
Big data content marketing can be the solution to all of these challenges — if you have the right framework in place for making it actionable.
Several of today’s top brands are already using data to improve their content marketing strategy and customer conversations in ways that go beyond the checkout experience on their eCommerce sites. They’re using customer information to strengthen the service side of their operations, as well as to optimize the content marketing they publish to their owned media properties (e.g., blogs, microsites, and social media).
Below are a few examples:

Kohl’s captures offline behavior to fuel content decisions

Department store Kohl’s is using an indoor positioning system that “walks the aisles” with customers. This mobile-based technology allows shoppers to opt in for promotions as they enter the store. Throughout their visit, people receive lifestyle content in real time based on the products they appear to be looking for.
For example, if a customer has opted in to receive information via the Kohl’s mobile app and he or she is lingering in the home goods aisle, Kohl’s knows to send relevant content to this shopper to increase the likelihood that he or she makes a purchase — for example, a look-book or a Pinterest board of home décor ideas. This inspiration or advice-driven content would be focused on delivering additional value to shoppers beyond promotions and discounts.
Big data is the by-product of Kohl’s effective CRM strategy, and it goes on to fuel the company’s broader content creation campaigns. Through Kohl’s CRM strategy, the company knows what the customer purchased in the past, and with its in-store technology, the company can track his or her behavior as he or she moves through the aisles. However, the company can make that data even more actionable (beyond coupons) by feeding this information to its content creators. Shopping behavior can illustrate common threads in Kohl’s audience — or personas — that inspire the type of content the company’s marketing team might create and later distribute to pockets of people based on their own shopping experiences. This practice would keep Kohl’s top of mind among consumers, even when they aren’t actively shopping for new products.

Arby’s uses data to identify the right channels, creativity to make a connection

When connecting with someone, it’s not always what you say, it’s when, where, and how you say it. This is by no means an invitation to speak out of turn, but more of a call to arms for marketers to create content for more than one channel.
Marketers often use data to understand the type of message that resonates with their audience and the best channels on which to amplify that message. For example, research from Twitter shows that 90 percent of Twitter users who see a TV show-related tweet are likely to immediately watch the show, search for more information, or share tweet-based content about that show.
Arby’s does a great job of balancing its data initiatives with its creative marketing. Taking advantage of the strong connection between TV and Twitter usage among its audience, Arby’s parsed through its customer data to determine that not only would its audience tune in to the 2014 Grammy Awards, but that a high percentage of its audience would be engaging in live conversation around the event on Twitter. Knowing this in advance allowed Arby’s to set up a social listening room where the company’s social media director watched the awards show and waited for an opportunity to embed itself in the conversation with relevant, real-time social media content.
For example, during the show, Arby’s tweeted at artist Pharrell Williams about his big, wide-brimmed hat. This sent the Twitter world into a frenzy, as second-screen Grammy viewers who were already leaning in to watch the show became enthralled with the engagement taking place in front of them.
This was a great example of a brand executing its real-time marketing muscle, while also allowing data and clear audience analysis to show where and when it would be appropriate to enter an online conversation.
The key takeaway here is that big data is rich information you can use to drive your content or social media marketing programs. Without data at the core of your strategy, these real-time engagement opportunities carry a lot of risk and often miss the mark.

Successful companies use a data framework

Today’s leading brands use data in a variety of ways. We see Kohl’s using customer information to push in-store shoppers toward the checkout lanes through personalized content, while Arby’s uses big data to identify the channels and cultural events that interest its audience and deliver relevant content as a way to join the conversation.
Whether you use data to drive your digital marketing or inspire how you connect with customers, you need a framework in place to compile, consolidate, and manage the volume of customer insight you acquire every day. Below, I outline a framework for turning big data into actionable content:

A content marketer’s framework for making data actionable

You already have the data you need to create smart, witty content that your customers will relate to, though you may not have a framework to put that data to work for your content marketing strategy. In order to step up your game and develop a system like Kohl’s and Arby’s, follow this six-step approach to data-driven content marketing:
1. Use available tools to start to understand your customers: Even if you only sell one product, your customers come to you for several different reasons. As a content marketer, your first goal is to establish buyer personas. However, avoid assuming too much in this process, and instead, apply tools to help understand your customers’ life cycle based on solid data.
At Skyword, we apply 10 technologies to help us understand our audience’s needs and nurture relationships with leads who have raised their hand and shown interest in our services.
Some technologies to consider include:
  • Content analytics: Whether you use Google Analytics or a proprietary solution, this tool is essential for learning how traffic behaves on your website — e.g., what categories are performing best; are articles in these categories being discovered through specific channels more often?
  • Social listening technology: Sysomos is a powerful tool that allows you to take a snapshot of the internet and zoom in on various conversations taking place around keywords. Use social listening tools to uncover threads in conversation to which you can apply your unique viewpoint in your content. For example, look at how people are talking negatively about your industry on Twitter and then use those tweets to drive topics of future blog posts. Is there a common challenge that your competition has yet to address?
  • Marketing automation: Solutions like Marketo can help tie your demand generation program to your content marketing strategy, as well as allow you to nurture leads through email campaigns. Want to know how a certain subset of leads interacts with your long-form content? Marketing automation tools can tell you. Your marketing automation solution can also provide data that helps you personalize outreach to your customers. What email subject lines drive the most clicks? What topics generate the most interest? These findings can then inspire your ongoing editorial strategy for your blog.
  • Content marketing platform: Once you have a basic understanding of what the market is interested in, how leads are navigating your online content, and what downloadable assets might interest your audience most, you must be able to turn all of this data into actionable content. Among the many options for this, commercial content marketing platforms can be used to pull all of this information together and inform the content creation process.
Of course, this process is no longer linear — it must come full circle. Once you’ve set the wheels in motion, you must remember to constantly test the new strategies you’ve developed and compare results over time. For example, how does consumer behavior change after Persona A receives a personalized offer to his or her smartphone?
2. Create content derived from your data findings: When you look at the data, you may discover that you cater to dozens of unique buyers. Because it’s no longer sufficient to just focus on age, gender, and income bracket when developing buyer personas, cast a wider net and evaluate information such as purchasing patterns, in-store visits, and local-based information to identify topics and areas of interest for your audience.
3. Don’t allow big data to stunt creativity: It’s easy to let the numbers influence your decisions, but don’t let metrics stunt your creativity. When you become too data-driven in how you create content, you inevitably lose the human element — or the story — behind what you’re saying. Broadly apply what you learn through data analysis to your ongoing content marketing strategy, and let the insight inspire you rather than drive the whole plan forward.
4. Build a community around your engaged audiences: Take a page out of Arby’s book by empowering internal and external contributors to engage with your audience on your behalf. You can have all the data in the world, but if you lack the ability to turn insight into meaningful discussions with your reader base, then your strategy will remain in neutral.
To do this effectively, define brand guidelines that every contributor must follow to speak in a unified, but varied voice for your business. I suggest creating a company handbook for your internal contributors to follow.
When it comes to educating your external supporters on how to best write for your brand, you may want to take a more relationship-building approach. Holding regular Google+ Hangouts with your external writers can give them an opportunity to contribute their ideas to the development of your editorial calendar — and their feedback on what’s important to your audience when it comes to your brand.
5. Create timely content with “where” in mind: Your content must be searchable, snackable, and shareable in order to reach your audience. However, it may require a push to get the ball rolling. In the content creation process, you should consider where you want to release your message before you actually put anything down on paper. If you’re still operating with an editorial calendar full of content that only comes in one format, then you’re doing yourself and your audience a disservice. The channel matters almost as much as what you’re saying.
6. Measure and test constantly: Now is the time to be adventurous with your content marketing. There’s a lot of room for creative growth, but you won’t know what works and what doesn’t without a reporting system in place. Therefore, allocate your resources to better determine which programs — or formats — are working and which are not. But take your analysis a step further by narrowing down your focus to channel-specific interactions. Are you seeing greater engagement through Google+, mobile search, or in-store app messages? Your program must be agile enough to shift its focus to those areas for immediate impact.
With a framework in place, you clear the runway for effective, data-driven content marketing. It’s important to know from the start that this process will require constant tinkering and learning. But with the right tools and creative thinkers, you’re well on your way to delivering smarter content to your audience. Remember, data can’t tell a story without a storyteller.