Google Maps Shows Your Hotel, Flight, and Restaurant Reservations
Android/iOS: Google Maps for iOS and Android updated today and both now show you any hotel bookings, restaurant reservations, and flights you have scheduled right on the map itself. This way if you look at an airport in Maps, you'll see your flight times and a link to view the email with more information in it. P
Of course all of these features only really work if you've used Gmail to make the hotel, restaurant, or flight reservations, but it's useful to just look up the hotel you're staying at and have information relevant to your reservation right there on the card in addition to buttons to call, star, or read more about it. You can also tap at the bottom of the listing to go right to the Gmail message with your reservation, or you can get directions so you make it in time for your booking. P
If you opted into these features as part of the Google Maps Preview back in October, you may have seen them on your Android device, but now they're rolling out to everyone, iOS and Android users alike. Hit the link below to download the new version. If the update doesn't show for you, the fine folks at Android Police have a few mirrors you can use to get a direct downloadP
Google Maps (Free) | Google Play via Android Police and GigaomP