Friday, February 19, 2016

7 Customer Experience Mistakes Brands Make

It’s widely known, and too often forgotten that brands stand or fall based on the customer experiences they create. If your customer experience is in free fall, one or more of these seven mistakes are the most likely to blame. 1. Lip Service Leadership Leadership is vital for any significant organizational change yet all too […]

from Branding Strategy Insider

Igniting Brand Growth Via Emotional Connections

Nobel Prize winning research in neuroscience and behavioral economics proves that all humans are irrational, emotional creatures. Both marketers and consumers believe they are in control of their decisions, but research is increasingly proving that assertion wrong. There is something deeper going on at a subconscious emotional level. Marketers that understand this and that harness […]

from Branding Strategy Insider

UIE Article – Four Approaches to Share and Reflect on Our Work

In this week’s article I discuss how to talk about design. Here’s an excerpt from the article: For each of the four techniques, there are variations that modify what they accomplish. For example, one team we recently worked with took a walkthrough and modified it to compare the user stories they’d created to the prototype they’d implemented. […]

from UIE Brain Sparks

Creating Content Wireframes For Responsive Design

Free Photoshop Tools For Web Designers

The Art Of The Intercept: Moving Beyond “Would You Like To Take A Survey?”

A Beginner’s Guide To Creating A WordPress Website

Validating Product Ideas

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Improving Reviews And Testimonials Using Science-Based Design

Adaptive Content: The Way to Your Customer’s Heart

Imagine your content serving people in such personal, useful ways that it stirs feelings for your brand. Imagine the impact on your business. Adaptive content can help conjure those emotions by delivering specially targeted content.
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The post Adaptive Content: The Way to Your Customer’s Heart appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

from Content Marketing Institute

The tipping point: Why it’s time to truly think mobile first

Find out why it's time to truly start thinking mobile first, and what this means for UX design, and UX designers.

The post The tipping point: Why it’s time to truly think mobile first appeared first on UX for the masses.

from UX for the masses

PSFK’s Report Imagines the Future of Innovation in 2017

welive-wework (2)PSFK Labs determines 15 key trends that will shape tomorrow’s creative businesses

from PSFK

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Confusing Brand Strategy With Creative Strategy

Branding Strategy Insider helps marketing oriented leaders and professionals like you build strong brands. BSI readers know, we regularly answer questions from marketers everywhere. Today we hear from Lynn, a brand manager in San Francisco, California who asks this about the difference between brand strategy and creative strategy… “The ad agency we work with seem […]

from Branding Strategy Insider

7 Keys To Designing Branded Customer Experiences

How do you manage a seamless, branded customer experience across an ever-increasing number of multiple channels? You can’t. Here’s What You Can Do Experience is whatever the customer perceives it to be – and you cannot micro-manage it completely. But what you can do is influence that experience by being very intentional about where and […]

from Branding Strategy Insider

UIE Article – Designing Embraceable Change

In this week’s article we reprint an article where I talk about changing your sites at an adaptable rate. Here’s an excerpt from the article: The employees had become accustomed to the intranet and knew how to find the things they needed. Even when an employee couldn’t find something, there was always someone within earshot […]

from UIE Brain Sparks

Building A First-Class App That Leverages Your Website: A Case Study

A Failure To Communicate In The World Of IoT, Part 2

This is Part 2 of a two-part Q&A with Linden Tibbets, CEO and co-founder of IFTTT. For Part 1, click here. This post also appears on, which interviews the innovators in wearable computing, IoT and AR. For inquiries, please email publisher Mark Brooks.IFTTT is an automation ...

from ReadWrite

Rock Analytics More: Obsess About Goals And Goal Values!

If you don't have goals, you are not doing digital analytics. You are doing i am wasting earth's precious oxygenalytics. Let's back up. Let me start with a story. We were brain storming about the next cluster of coolness for Analytics, the conversation quickly went to what Analysts need to look at on a daily, […]

Rock Analytics More: Obsess About Goals And Goal Values! is a post from: Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik

from Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik

Here’s Why Your Content Marketing Strategy is Totally Failing

Frustrated by your content marketing strategy that doesn’t seem to be working? Step back and see if it’s sufficiently clear to guide the business to achieve its goals. If not, it’s time to give it a hard reset and reprogram with SMART goals. Continue reading

The post Here’s Why Your Content Marketing Strategy is Totally Failing appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

from Content Marketing Institute

What UX Designers Need to Know about Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion is most often defined through sales, but it can also apply to clicks, sign-ups, repeat visitors, or any other metric that meets your organization’s goals. The real problem many organizations face regarding conversion, is that content is often still considered “the stuff that goes into the design.” Putting content at center stage means changing...

from Boxes and Arrows

The Pain With No Name

Monday, February 8, 2016

Validating Product Ideas Through Lean User Research

By Tomer Sharon Published: February 8, 2016 This is a sample chapter from Tomer Sharon’s new book Validating Product Ideas Through Lean User Research. 2016 Rosenfeld Media. Chapter 5: Do People Want the Product? “Mmm…” I thought to myself as I was reading Nate Bolt’s Facebook post about the Automatic app (see Figure 5.1). “A smart driving assistant? One that hooks up to my car’s computer and sends data to an iPhone app that will help me save energy and money? I want that!” (See Figure 5.2.) I ordered an Automatic two minutes after I saw that post. It cost me $70. At the time, the product wasn’t shipping yet, and I was paying to participate in a beta that was going to start in a few months. Usually, I’m extremely skeptical about such things. But this was different. I really wanted that thing. I thought the idea was brilliant, and I was 100% positive that I would use and love it. The beautiful, smooth Automatic Web site and purchasing workflow reassured me that I could trust my instincts. When the Automatic package arrived at my doorstep a few months later, I was happy. Unboxing it was very “Apple-like,” and onboarding was great. I hooked the Automatic car adapter to my car (somewhere under the steering wheel where I was able to find the data port quickly), installed the app, and made sure it worked when I drove the car.

from UXmatters

Robots Do It Better: Why Users Love Self-Service Technologies

By Keith Smith Published: February 8, 2016 “Customers are increasingly opting for self-service. … Customers may want what you’re selling, but they don’t want you to force them to go through a human to get it.” Let’s face it. While the Internet was designed to make us more connected, it’s also making it easier for us to avoid one another. Just think about that for a moment. Yes, you can reach out and communicate with people in the most distant corners of the Earth, but at the same time, there is nothing more irksome than receiving an actual phone call when an email message would have sufficed. For example, there’s been a shift in hiring practices. Remember when you were supposed to pound the pavement, handing out a stack of resumes and letting people see your face? Today, no HR manager in the world wants you showing up at his or her door. Even if you did, they would just tell you to go online and fill out a form or submit your resume via email.

from UXmatters

Information Architecture in Review, Part 1

By Nathaniel Davis Published: February 8, 2016 “We’ve seen some new books on information architecture hit the market in the last few years.” Information architecture is not the easiest topic to write about. So, when a book comes out on the subject, we know that’s a rare event. Nevertheless, we’ve seen some new books on information architecture hit the market in the last few years. Arguably, this trend began in 2011 with the publication of Pervasive Information Architecture: Designing Cross-Channel User Experiences, by Andrea Resmini and Luca Rosati. More on that book in a future review. In this review, I’ll highlight Abby Covert’s and Andrew Hinton’s latest works. Both are veteran practitioners of information architecture and well-known contributors to the field’s body of knowledge.

from UXmatters

How to Create a Globally Appealing User Experience

By Ania Rodriguez Published: February 8, 2016 “Human needs that are based on cultural tendencies are the factors that come into play when your goal is to design a globally appealing user experience.” If you’re designing a product you want to sell globally, assuming every consumer across the world has the same needs and expectations won’t get you far. Knowing and understanding what makes people different is what will determine your success. Psychologist Abraham Maslow studied human needs throughout his career and social psychologists such as Geert Hofstede continue to research this topic today. (Dirk Knemeyer wrote a three-part series for UXmatters titled, “Applied Empathy: A Design Framework for Meeting Human Needs and Desires.”)

from UXmatters

Getting Specific on Soft Skills for UX Professionals

By Baruch Sachs Published: February 8, 2016 “The majority of what we do in the business world is essentially improvisation. Despite all the time we spend doing strategic planning for our work, we still end up having to improvise because of changing environments….” My last column received tremendous feedback with regard to the importance of soft skills in the profession of User Experience. One consistent theme was the desire for me to get more specific about the types of soft skills that are often lacking in UX professional’s interactions. To answer this request, I will touch upon the following five soft skills in this column: adaptability communication conflict resolution argumentation and negotiation gravitas mixed with social grace

from UXmatters

UIE Article – Hunkering: Putting Disorientation into the Design Process

In this week’s article we reprint an article where I talk about “hunkering” as a design process. Here’s an excerpt from the article: Hunkering, and its subsequent visual disorientation, can be a crucial tool for the designer. Used properly, it can prevent downstream errors and give new insights into the final results. One common trap […]

from UIE Brain Sparks

How do we create effective content for diverse audience types?

Do Multiple Audiences Mean Tripled Content Efforts? How can you have a consistent brand voice and story, but appeal to different types of audiences? How do you do it when you have limited time and resources? Once you complete your audience analysis and core messaging priorities, both integral parts of your content strategy, you may be asking yourself a questions like these, too. Here’s a place to start: 1. Determine Your Audience Types My clients are communicating with many audience types, including: Partners or Vendors/Service Providers/Clients or Customers Buyers/Sellers Patients/Caregivers/Doctors/Medical Staff Students from different generations, cultures, countries, and languages/Paying Parents/Supporting...

The post How do we create effective content for diverse audience types? appeared first on Pybop: Exceptional Content and Brand Storytelling.

from Pybop: Exceptional Content and Brand Storytelling

What are core messaging priorities?

Your Core Messaging Priorities Every content strategy, in fact, every content writing or marketing project, should begin with core messaging priorities. Your core messaging priorities help you and your writers, designers, and information architects determine what to say, and where, when, and how to say it. In other words, it’s the starting place to create your: Brand voice and tone Information and content architecture Brand story Home page and enterprise content Content marketing strategy Design and creative Without it, you may end up in revision hell, with no clear way to judge whether the creative is right for your brand....

The post What are core messaging priorities? appeared first on Pybop: Exceptional Content and Brand Storytelling.

from Pybop: Exceptional Content and Brand Storytelling

Turn Employees Into Brand Advocates With Case Studies

Want to know how to advance your company’s goals in an unexpected way? Think about taking your content marketing inward. Turn your employees into brand advocates and arm them with content to tell your success stories. Continue reading

The post Turn Employees Into Brand Advocates With Case Studies appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

from Content Marketing Institute

5 Gospels to Follow on Social Media That are Strategic, Systematic, and Smart

Confused about how to succeed in social media content marketing? Put your faith in these words from Jonathan Crossfield, whose no-nonsense insights and advice will help you grow your brand influence — not just your follower count. Continue reading

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from Content Marketing Institute

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

PSFK 2017 Forecast: Why the Wrist Shouldn’t Be Hogging the Wearables Limelight

11924292_10153664486698955_5802058656081592482_nOur newest report explores how flexible sensors can unlock human potential with better data

from PSFK

The Value of Uniting Compatible Consumers

shutterstock_272664329Does liking the same product make two people compatible?

from PSFK

Convert Your Content Into Slides to Increase Website Traffic

Are you using one of the most powerful methods for content marketing success? Converting your content into slides could double or triple your traffic with only half the work. Here’s more about why you should care and how to do it. Continue reading

The post Convert Your Content Into Slides to Increase Website Traffic appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

from Content Marketing Institute

The Many Facets of Taxonomy

This is the third in a series that has become real-life examples of taxonomies found in my kitchen. Part 3 of “Taxonomy of Spices and Pantries” looks at where and how facets can be used as multiple categories for content. Building the business case for taxonomy Planning a taxonomy The many facets of taxonomy Card...

from Boxes and Arrows