Friday, January 25, 2019

Top 10 UX Videos of 2018

These are the videos released in 2018 that received the most views from our audience. Each video runs for 2–3 minutes, unless otherwise indicated.

  1. Principles of Human-Centered Design
    Don Norman says that Human-Centered Design (HCD) is not about following processes. It’s about being mindful of HCD principles. Keep focus on people and the entire system to solve the right problems.
  2. When to Use Which UX Research Method (5 min.)
    Don’t just do usability tests. Do what you need. Consider five criteria to help you determine the most effective UX research method to use for your situation, to meet research goals, and achieve desired outcomes.
  3. 10 UX Challenges for the Next 25 Years (30 min.)
    Jakob Nielsen presents his UX directions for the future: How UX roles will evolve, and how UX involvement can solve major challenges for the world. (This was the keynote at the UX Conference in Las Vegas.)
  4. 5-Second Usability Test
    The 5-second test is a simple usability technique to help designers gauge the audience’s first impressions of a webpage.
  5. User Testing: Why & How
    Jakob Nielsen says that there is no excuse for not performing usability studies. They’re fast and cheap, and very convincing. Test with representative customers using realistic task, then be amazed by what you observe.
  6. Focus on Results, Not on Perfect UX
    Don Norman recommends that when designing, think about what the person is trying to accomplish. Don't let the design get in the way.
  7. UX Mapping Methods: When to Use Which
    UX mappings are visual representations that depict different processes and have different goals, yet they all build common ground within an organization.
  8. Service Design 101
    Service design is the activity of planning and organizing a business’s resources in order to (1) directly improve the employee’s experience, and (2) indirectly, the customer’s experience.
  9. Describing UX to Family and Friends
    Do you ever find it challenging to explain to people what you do for a living? See how other UX professionals do it.
  10. Why is UX so Difficult?
    UX practitioners who feel inept at their job usually face far greater challenges than improving their design, craft or research prowess. Rather, addressing development schedules, Agile, Scrum, Lean, and team member’s roles can create the greatest challenges.

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