Friday, October 30, 2015

25 more great free UX tools

25 more great free UX tools, including tools to help with prototyping, design, user testing, surveys, annotating, card sorting and screen grabbing.

The post 25 more great free UX tools appeared first on UX for the masses.

from UX for the masses

Brand Storytelling And The Art Of Making Myths

Myths are by nature clichés; that’s what makes them work. They’re easy, we get them instantly and their message shoots straight to our heart – whether we want it to or not. That’s how they capture us and how they can guide us. Besides, iconic always beats ironic, at least, when it comes to building […]

from Branding Strategy Insider

This Is How Millennials Will Change Management

Each generation brings a new set of values. Here's how the growing number of millennial managers are changing the face of the workplace.

Baby boomer managers can be credited with creating employee support programs. Generation X managers can be credited with making the workplace more informal, making the term "business casual" commonplace. What will the next breed of managers bring to the workplace?

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from Fast Company

Five Key Places Every Brand Should Invest In

FoR_post_5areasA five-point guide on how to develop new strategies for the future shopper experience

from PSFK

A Look Inside PSFK’s Future of Retail 2016 Report

FoR_post2Letter from PSFK Founder, Piers Fawkes, on connecting today's retailers to the customers of tomorrow

from PSFK

Creating Authenticity Through Context

f4283749cdacea056b95c7ae6880eb20Architecture holds greater meaning when skillfully integrated into the locale or natural landscape

from PSFK

4 Key Brands Changing the Face of Retail

10562586_10152604847608057_4065164971723810138_oHow national retailers like Starbucks and Target are evolving the shopper experience across channels and platforms

from PSFK

The Connected Experience of Retail

405121It’s become increasingly important that products on the shelf speak for themselves, as evidenced by adidas and Heineken activations

from PSFK

Why the Most Successful Retailers Don’t Have a Store Loyalty Card

LoyaltyMatt Hirst, formerly of Google and Red Bull, describes why brands must prioritize seamless experiences. For more inspiration join us at our Future of Retail 2016 SF presentation

from PSFK

Who’s Branding Whom? Lippincott Reveals Our Future Relationship with Brands

1I7A9249.jpgTogether with artist Michael Murphy, Lippincott invites us to a conversation on our bond with brands and where that is headed

from PSFK

Brands Fulfilling Customer Needs With Out-Of-The-Box Incentives

downloadWhy designing exclusive events and offering shopper perks is important for delivering new value in retail, as evidenced by Nike and Visa

from PSFK

Testing Your Content Is the Missing Link

Typically when we conduct usability tests we watch how a person moves from one task to another. Where do they click? Why did they take that action? But we should also look to see if usability issues are actually understandability problems. That’s one of the topics that Steph Hay and I discussed in a recent podcast, […]

from UIE Brain Sparks

How To Increase Workflow And Reduce Stress With Nature Sounds

How To Keep Your Team Creative

Guest author Ja-Naé Duane is founder of the Revolution Institute, an international and award-winning speaker, author of How to Start Your Business With $100 and How to Create a Revolution, and coauthor of The Startup Equation.

We dream big, set goals, and then work, work, work to achieve them. But we soon learn a simple truth: we can’t do it all by ourselves. We need help and accepting help often requires a dose of humility. I push myself to stay humble by building teams to make my work as efficient as possible. 

See also: 10 Ways Lean Startup Methodology Can Impact Your Business 

When we build teams, we become responsible for inspiring our individual teams while keeping them on task and on track. Creativity can offer a huge source of inspiration. But what if team members are stressed and emotionally drained? They can have a hard delivering their best work if they deliver anything at all.

The team that is working with us on The Startup Equation understands those stresses and the need to decompress. Here are three ways I keep my teams inspired, engaged, and creative.

Create Conversations

Running a team is project management, pure and simple. I find my team members consistently deliver high-quality work on deadline when they can tap into their creative thinking before we launch a project. I set goals, assign tasks, and implement my plans. But before the action items start rolling I meet with my team to talk and, more importantly, to listen. We use Slack as our virtual office and create designated channels to help keep different projects on track. These channels also make it easier for team members to share ideas the make the project and the work better.

As entrepreneurs, sometimes (okay, maybe a lot of the time) we think we have it all figured out. We think we just need to bring in the right people to do x, y, and z. That’s not a true team. True team members get to have their ideas voiced and taken seriously. I like to meet with my team over coffee (or wine) to share my vision, hear their ideas, and figure out a better way to get the job done. And guess what? These conversations create a spark between team members with ideas flying back and forth. Some ideas don’t fit the current project, but others are brilliant.

Institute A Think Tank

At the beginning of any project, I look for ways to trigger my team’s creativity. Discipline keeps the creativity flowing during the weeks and months to come. I build checks-and-balances into our action items. During our weekly "Think Tank," team members present any project issues or problems. The team then works together to find solutions.

Sometimes, we can learn a lot as a team by writing. I recommend aiming for 750 words and write whatever comes to mind. It’s also known as stream of consciousness writing. The results are then shared with the team and can lead to sparks of inspiration for the Think Tank. I also recommend the Workflowy app or MindMeister for personal brainstorming to help you track and manage ideas as they emerge.

Play Often

A positive work environment is crucial to long-term productivity. I use strategic play to break up the monotony of everyday tasks. The most creative members of our society—children—already know the benefits of play. If we’d let them, children would play all day long.

I like to give my team members whiteboards and markers. They can turn abstract ideas into visual ones and capture what they see as the future of our shared project. A lot of people start drawing logos. Some make flow charts. As long as they keep at it, after about 10 minutes their minds are opened and the creativity flows.

I also like to include non-work related games. I’m particularly fond of disc golf. There’s nothing like an afternoon in the sun, traipsing through the wood in service of friendly competition to get the creativity juices running. When you bring a bunch of coworkers together they tend to talk about one thing—work.

It’s not surprising that they start riffing on ideas without even realizing it. And while CrossFit or skydiving doesn’t appeal to me personally, whenever I find out that two or more team members share an interest, I encourage them to “play” together. The ideas inspired by jumping out of a plane can be downright jaw dropping.

You’ve got a vision and you’ve built a team to manifest it. Now you need to keep it on the creative track. With a simple strategy of creative conversations, Think Tank sessions, and some time for play, you can do just that.

from ReadWrite

Content Strategy 101 for Content Marketers: Your Questions Answered

Crave structure or other ways to improve your content marketing? Think content strategy. Brain Traffic’s lead content strategist explains the basics and shares how to incorporate it in a way that’s both manageable and beneficial. Continue reading

The post Content Strategy 101 for Content Marketers: Your Questions Answered appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

from Content Marketing Institute

Using Roleplay to Prepare Design Managers

Thursday, October 22, 2015

10 UX books that should be on your reading list

Here are 10 UX related books that I thoroughly recommend you add to your reading list.

The post 10 UX books that should be on your reading list appeared first on UX for the masses.

from UX for the masses

Report: YouTube Will Soon Have A Paywall

As expected, YouTube is starting an ad-free, paid tier—but the site also plans to keep some exclusive content behind a paywall.

YouTube has been toying with the idea of charging its audience to watch videos for some time now, but it was only earlier this year that a leaked memo confirmed that YouTube would allow viewers to pay to watch videos without ads. According to Re/code, which cited unnamed industry sources, YouTube will also make some content exclusively available to those paying users.

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from Fast Company

What Patagonia Learned So Far From Mixing Content Strategy And Activism

Campaigns and Advocacy Director Hans Cole talks about the new doc Jumbo Wild, how the New Localism strategy is evolving, and more.

On October 6, Patagonia unveiled its newest documentary Jumbo Wild, created with Sweetgrass Productions to shine a spotlight on the 24-year fight to save British Columbia's iconic Jumbo Valley from resort development. Since then, the full-length film has embarked on a North American tour that will take it from B.C. to Boston and back, and the company also released an eight-minute short version online to spark interest far beyond the Jumbo Valley's borders.

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from Fast Company

Why Membership Models Can Be the Key to Greater Customer Loyalty

Bar @ WingtipPSFK's SF Future of Retail 2016 event industry expert, Ami Arad, shares how brands can begin designing lifestyle experiences for shoppers

from PSFK

Erase Tourists From Your Travel Photos

shutterstock_287165672Could textbook-perfect monument images be the next photography goal achieved by smartphone photographers? Adobe thinks so

from PSFK

Snoop Dogg Eyes a Booming Industry With Cannabis Content Platform

merry jane snoop dogg psfk.pngMerry Jane is Snoop Dogg and Ted Chung's collaboration to supply fresh content and a one-stop database for all of your weed needs

from PSFK