Monday, December 7, 2015

What UX Roles You Need and Why

By Christian Rohrer Published: December 7, 2015 “When thinking about what UX roles a given team requires, so much depends on the nature of the company and the type of project. But there are definitely some UX roles that most teams need when designing and developing applications.” When thinking about what UX roles a given team requires, so much depends on the nature of the company and the type of project. But there are definitely some UX roles that most teams need when designing and developing applications. Let’s start with the most obvious, then work our way to those that are more obscure. Finally, I’ll describe the soft skills that all UX professionals need to succeed. Typical Design Roles The visual design function is absolutely necessary on most UX design projects. The reason for this is not because visual design is the function most central to User Experience. Actually, relative to many other roles, the visual design function is more peripheral to what User Experience essentially is. Rather its importance stems precisely from the fact that visual design is the first thing most stakeholders think of when they think about User Experience. Therefore, visual design is a primary role on a UX project team. More importantly, an application’s visual design is also the first thing users notice, so providing a design that has aesthetic appeal and high quality is critical to the legitimacy of a design solution, in the eyes of both its intended users and the stakeholders who review our work.

from UXmatters

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