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updated 8:25 AM EDT, Wed March 28, 2012
Editor's note: CNN contributor Amanda Enayati ponders the theme of seeking serenity: the quest for well-being and life balance in stressful times.
In a 2010 IBM poll of
CEOs worldwide, creativity was identified as the single most important
leadership trait for success, enabling businesses to rise above an
increasingly complex environment.
The future belongs to
"creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers and meaning makers,"
declared author Daniel Pink in the introduction to his best-selling book
"A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future."
Creativity also matters
to our emotional well-being as we find our way in an uncertain, rapidly
shifting world. Imagination underpins our ability to remain resilient
during difficult and stressful times since creative people tend to be
more tolerant of ambiguity and better able to come back from defeat.
And yet, despite its
growing importance, creativity suffers from an odd sort of paradox.
According to psychologist and Wharton management professor Jennifer
Mueller, research shows that even as people explicitly aspire to
creativity and strongly endorse it as a fundamental driving force of
positive change, they routinely reject creative ideas and show an
implicit bias against them under conditions of uncertainty. Subjects in
Mueller's study also exhibited a failure to see or acknowledge
creativity, even when directly presented with it.
It would appear that we
suffer from a bias against creativity. But we are in denial about it,
possibly because of what it may say about us.
"Because there is such a
strong social norm to endorse creativity, and people also feel authentic
positive attitudes toward creativity, people may be reluctant to admit
that they do not want creativity; hence, the bias against creativity may
be particularly slippery to diagnose," Mueller and her colleagues
Why the bias?
"Creativity is doing something differently than you've done before," says Beau Lotto, a neuroscientist and founder of Lottolab,
a hybrid art studio and science lab. From an evolutionary standpoint,
uncertainty was a bad thing. "If you weren't sure that there was a tiger
in front of you, by the time you were sure it was too late," Lotto
observes. "Our brains thus evolved to take uncertainty and make it
Mueller says, "We are
intolerant of uncertainty in general. The more creative something is,
the more novel it is. And the more novel it is, the greater the
uncertainty we are likely to have about its feasibility."
These negative
associations tend to be unacknowledged, and there is evidence that they
are unconscious, as in the case of executives who demand creativity but
continue to reject creative ideas.
Herein, however, lies
the dilemma: Creativity is what we need to help us get through times of
greatest uncertainty and difficulty. And it's exactly during those
times, perhaps when we need it most, that we are least likely to embrace
Imagination scares us
because it demands a foray into the unknown. "But only by going into a
space of uncertainty can we do anything new," Lotto says. "That is a
tremendous challenge, isn't it?"
Another reason for the
bias against creativity may be the perception that something can either
be creative or practical, but that much more rarely can it be both. Many
(and perhaps even most) people hold the belief that for every success
story such as Steve Jobs, the "patron saint of the creative class,"
there are thousands (or more) chronically unemployed and underemployed
This belief gives rise
to a duality, where practical and creative endeavors lead largely
separate existences -- one slogged at during the workweek and the other
indulged on nights and weekends, or dismissed as a luxury.
The creativity versus
practicality dissonance also manifested in aspects of Mueller's
research. She refers to the two separate mind-sets of the "why" people
and the "how" people.
People focused on "why"
tend to frame the world in more abstract ways. In general, they don't
tend to have feasibility concerns. Those who are in a "how" mind-set,
however, are so focused on feasibility that they are likely to overlook
or dismiss creative ideas.
"Most boardrooms are all
'how,' and the 'why' is crushed," Mueller says. "This is why Steve Jobs
was so remarkable. He had a solid grasp of the 'why' and was also able
to overcome objections to the 'how.' He was able to overcome the reality
distortion field."
The folly of seeking certainty
There are a number of
problems with our obsession with creating certainty, and the most
important is that certainty does not exist.
"Certainty is an illusion! A delusion!" Lotto says.
Or, as Clint Eastwood once said: "If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster."
The second problem is
that the more we seek to create tools to make life predictable -- from
packaged foods to Starbucks, GPS devices to smartphones, Yelp to Trip
Advisor -- the more we diminish aspects of our brains capable of dealing
with the unexpected.
"Technology is an amazing empowerment and a huge disablement," says Laura Richardson, principal designer at frog design. "We are losing our capacity for resilience."
Richardson is a big
believer in the "MacGyver" manifesto. (MacGyver, of course, was the
ever-resourceful television character who was able to solve complex
problems with duct tape, paper clips and any other material he found
"I remember being locked
out of the house once when I was growing up," Richardson says. "I found
an old ruler, somehow prodded up the window latch and got in. It was an
amazing sense of accomplishment."
She says some of our
best stories are about those times when we were forced into something
and had to use ingenuity to find our way out.
Richardson says she believes that the future favors the flexible. She quotes MAKE magazine founding editor Dale Dougherty, honored by the White House as a Champion of Change,
who wrote: "Our future security lies in knowing what we are capable of
creating and how we can adapt to change by being resourceful."
Becoming comfortable with uncertainty
Is it possible to overcome our inclination toward the predictable?
Mueller notes an
important exception to our avoidance of the unknown. Research shows that
the framing of uncertainty changes the way people react.
"We don't mind
uncertainty when it's associated with something positive, like hope,"
she says. "Frame something positively, and people will behave
David Kelley, founder of the design firm IDEO, observes, "Creativity is being comfortable with having ideas and not fearing being judged when you put your ideas out there."
Kelley, recognized as
one of America's leading design innovators, is passionate about
democratizing creativity by helping people develop creative confidence.
He's not, however,
teaching people how to be creative. "They are inherently creative,"
Kelley says. "All we are doing is taking away the blocks."
Those blocks form early,
according to Kelley. Though young children are naturally and
unabashedly creative, they either opt out of thinking of themselves as
creative or have it hammered out of them in elementary school. "A kind
of atrophy sets in, when they start to trust their analytical minds but
not their intuitive minds."
Removing those blocks
has a great deal to do with fear. He suggests approaching the fear of
creativity the same way you would approach any other kind of phobia,
such as the fear of heights or snakes.
Kelley finds that
creative confidence carries over into other aspects of people's lives --
in the way they solve problems, sing karaoke, throw dinner parties.
"Once you have done something dangerous and succeeded, you try it in
other places. And you begin to learn how to synthesize your experience
and intuition to make complex and important decisions."
With the challenges we
are facing, we need to rethink what creativity means, Richardson says.
We need to expand what we mean by creative. Creativity is not just about
painting or drawing or art. It is about problem-solving. It's the
flexibility of your mind, the ability to see things that no one can see
and envision something entirely different. We are creating the future,
bringing about change. And there is something incredibly empowering
about that.
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