As William Hawk writes in the 2011 Consumer Expenditure Survey Anthology, “compared with average U.S. consumer units, those headed by persons 25 years or younger earn lower incomes, are less likely to own a home or a car, and spend less on food, gifts, health care, and retirement plans. They are also more likely to rent a home and spend more on education and alcohol.” And that spending on education is a major contributor to the debt burden faced by many Millennials.
According to recent survey data from a PNC Financial Services, the average member of Gen Y carries $45 000 in debt, with student debt being the most common form. Add to that an employment rate for 18 – 24 year-olds that hovers only slightly above 50% and a majority of the Millennial population (or at least the female half) claiming that they’ve delayed major purchases and life changes because of the recession and you have the making of one toxic target market.
And retailers have taken notice. Or at least those who analyze retailers have, with Bloomberg recently quoting from a report by WSL Strategic Retail that documents how the fortunes of retailers such as Gap, Urban Outfitters and Aeropostale have been suffering in light of decreased consumer spending by twentysomethings and cautions these retailers and others in their shoes about aiming their marketing campaigns at a cohort that currently lacks spending power. The report’s authors also warn that a generation of potential consumers who are unwilling or unable to spend will eventually hurt higher-end retailers – those who can’t afford Gap prices today are unlikely to be able to trade up to Neiman Marcus (or even Banana Republic) anytime soon.
Indeed, according to research from Yale cited in The Atlantic, those who graduate and land their first jobs during a recession tend to earn less than their peers who graduate during better economic times – a wage gap that still persists almost two decades after college graduation. As well, with Gen Y’s tendency toward brand loyalty – 70% of those surveyed by Edelman Digital claimed that they stick with brands they’ve become accustomed to – weaning them from entrenched lower-end options over the long-term may be an uphill battle for those offering luxury products and services.
And even if Millennials did have cash to flash, there is no guarantee it would translate to bigger bottom lines for retailers. Not only do 37% of Millennials claim to distrust big business according to survey data, but the nature of the shopping experience sought by twentysomethings – sensory, shareable and less about finding a deal than participating in a social event – favors browsing over buying and those niche retailers that are able to create unique, immersive buying environments. That’s hardly the forte of the chain store. As well, 40% of Gen Y participants in the aforementioned Edelman Digital study claimed a preference for buying local, even if these goods or services were more expensive than mass-market alternatives. Add into the mix a youthful penchant for purchase history as a form of personal expression and you have an outlook that favors putting precious disposable income toward a one-of-a-kind dress from the boutique on the corner vs. khakis from the mall.
In addition to attitudes about the buying experience, there’s also the distinct possibility that having had to practice fiscal austerity during their formative buying years will have a long-lasting effect on Gen Y’s psyche. Even now, they’re more likely than older generations to both support an expansion of government and its programs – a New Deal mentality perhaps? – and to believe that you ”can’t be too careful” when dealing with people, according to the Pew Research Center. These findings are echoed in a National Bureau of Economic Research paper by Giuliano and Spilimbergo that looked at 18- 25 year-olds who came of age during economic downturns over the last 30 years. “We find that individuals experiencing recessions during the formative years believe that luck rather than effort is the most important driver of individual success, support more government redistribution, and have less confidence in institutions,” they write.
Lack of cash, skepticism about big business, a preference for customized products and heuristic purchasing experiences and possibly a lifelong tendency toward scrimping? Retailers have a right to be nervous about the Millennial market.
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